Source: dockerService.js

const stream = require('stream');
const Docker = require('dockerode');
const path = require('path');
const serviceHelper = require('./serviceHelper');
const fluxCommunicationMessagesSender = require('./fluxCommunicationMessagesSender');
const log = require('../lib/log');

const fluxDirPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../');
const appsFolder = `${fluxDirPath}ZelApps/`;

const docker = new Docker();

 * Creates a docker container object with a given ID.
 * @param {string} id
 * @returns {object} docker container object
function getDockerContainer(id) {
  const dockerContainer = docker.getContainer(id);
  return dockerContainer;

 * Generates an app identifier based on app name.
 * @param {string} appName
 * @returns {string} app identifier
function getAppIdentifier(appName) {
  // this id is used for volumes, docker names so we know it really belongs to flux
  if (appName.startsWith('zel')) {
    return appName;
  if (appName.startsWith('flux')) {
    return appName;
  if (appName === 'KadenaChainWebNode' || appName === 'FoldingAtHomeB') {
    return `zel${appName}`;
  return `flux${appName}`;

 * Generates an app docker name based on app name
 * @param {string} appName
 * @returns {string} app docker name id
function getAppDockerNameIdentifier(appName) {
  // this id is used for volumes, docker names so we know it reall belongs to flux
  const name = getAppIdentifier(appName);
  if (name.startsWith('/')) {
    return name;
  return `/${name}`;

 * Creates a docker network object.
 * @param {object} options:
 *      Name: string;
        CheckDuplicate?: boolean | undefined;
        Driver?: string | undefined;
        Internal?: boolean | undefined;
        Attachable?: boolean | undefined;
        Ingress?: boolean | undefined;
        IPAM?: IPAM | undefined;
        EnableIPv6?: boolean | undefined;
        Options?: { [option: string]: string } | undefined;
        Labels?: { [label: string]: string } | undefined;

        abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
 * @returns {object} Network
async function dockerCreateNetwork(options) {
  const network = await docker.createNetwork(options);
  return network;

 * Removes docker network.
 * @param {object} netw - Network object
 * @returns {Buffer}
async function dockerRemoveNetwork(netw) {
  const network = await netw.remove();
  return network;

 * Returns inspect network object.
 * @param {object} netw - Network object
 * @returns {object} ispect network object
async function dockerNetworkInspect(netw) {
  const network = await netw.inspect();
  return network;

 * Returns a list of containers.
 * @param {bool} [all] - defaults to false; By default only running containers are shown
 * @param {number} [limit] - Return this number of most recently created containers, including non-running ones.
 * @param {bool} [size] - Return the size of container as fields SizeRw and SizeRootFs.
 * @param {string} [filter] Filters to process on the container list, encoded as JSON

 * @returns {array} containers list
async function dockerListContainers(all, limit, size, filter) {
  const options = {
  const containers = await docker.listContainers(options);
  return containers;

 * Returns a list of images on the server.
 * @returns {array} images list
async function dockerListImages() {
  const containers = await docker.listImages();
  return containers;

 * Returns a docker container found by name or ID
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {object} dockerContainer
async function getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName) {
  const containers = await dockerListContainers(true);
  const myContainer = containers.find((container) => (container.Names[0] === getAppDockerNameIdentifier(idOrName) || container.Id === idOrName));
  const dockerContainer = docker.getContainer(myContainer.Id);
  return dockerContainer;
 * Returns low-level information about a container.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {object}
async function dockerContainerInspect(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  const response = await dockerContainer.inspect();
  return response;

 * Returns a sample of container’s resource usage statistics.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns docker container statistics
async function dockerContainerStats(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  const options = {
    stream: false,
  const response = await dockerContainer.stats(options); // output hw usage statistics just once
  return response;

 * Take stats from docker container and follow progress of the stream.
 * @param {string} repoTag Docker Hub repo/image tag.
 * @param {object} res Response.
 * @param {function} callback Callback.
async function dockerContainerStatsStream(idOrName, req, res, callback) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  dockerContainer.stats(idOrName, (err, mystream) => {
    function onFinished(error, output) {
      if (error) {
      } else {
        callback(null, output);
    function onProgress(event) {
      if (res) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      docker.modem.followProgress(mystream, onFinished, onProgress);
    req.on('close', () => {

 * Returns changes on a container’s filesystem.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {string}
async function dockerContainerChanges(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  const response = await dockerContainer.changes();
  return serviceHelper.ensureString(response);

 * To pull a Docker Hub image and follow progress of the stream.
 * @param {string} repoTag Docker Hub repo/image tag.
 * @param {object} res Response.
 * @param {function} callback Callback.
function dockerPullStream(repoTag, res, callback) {
  docker.pull(repoTag, (err, mystream) => {
    function onFinished(error, output) {
      if (error) {
      } else {
        callback(null, output);
    function onProgress(event) {
      if (res) {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      docker.modem.followProgress(mystream, onFinished, onProgress);

 * Runs a command inside a running container.
 * @param {object} container Docker container object
 * @param {string} cmd Command to execute
 * @param {array} env Environment variables
 * @param {object} res response object
 * @param {function} callback
async function dockerContainerExec(container, cmd, env, res, callback) {
  try {
    const options = {
      AttachStdin: false,
      AttachStdout: true,
      AttachStderr: true,
      Cmd: cmd,
      Env: env,
      Tty: false,
    const optionsExecStart = {
      Detach: false,
      Tty: false,

    const exec = await container.exec(options);
    exec.start(optionsExecStart, (err, mystream) => {
      if (err) {
      mystream.on('data', (data) => res.write(data.toString()));
      mystream.on('end', () => callback(null));
  } catch (error) {

 * Subscribes to logs stream.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @param {object} res
 * @param {function} callback
async function dockerContainerLogsStream(idOrName, res, callback) {
  try {
    // container ID or name
    const containers = await dockerListContainers(true);
    const myContainer = containers.find((container) => (container.Names[0] === getAppDockerNameIdentifier(idOrName) || container.Id === idOrName));
    const dockerContainer = docker.getContainer(myContainer.Id);
    const logStream = new stream.PassThrough();
    logStream.on('data', (chunk) => {

        follow: true,
        stdout: true,
        stderr: true,
      (err, mystream) => {
        if (err) {
        } else {
          try {
            dockerContainer.modem.demuxStream(mystream, logStream, logStream);
            mystream.on('end', () => {

            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 2000);
          } catch (error) {
            throw new Error('An error obtaining log data of an application has occured');
  } catch (error) {

 * Returns requested number of lines of logs from the container.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @param {number} lines
 * @returns {string}
async function dockerContainerLogs(idOrName, lines) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  const options = {
    follow: false,
    stdout: true,
    stderr: true,
    tail: lines,
  const logs = await dockerContainer.logs(options);
  return logs.toString();

async function obtainPayloadFromStorage(url) {
  try {
    // do a signed request in headers
    // we want to be able to fetch even from unsecure storages that may not have all the auths
    // and so this is only basic auth where timestamp is important
    // server should verify valid signature based on publicKey that server can get from
    // deterministic node list of ip address that did this request
    const version = 1;
    const timestamp =;
    const message = version + url + timestamp;
    const signature = await fluxCommunicationMessagesSender.getFluxMessageSignature(message);
    const axiosConfig = {
      headers: {
        'flux-message': message,
        'flux-signature': signature,
    const response = await serviceHelper.axiosGet(url, axiosConfig);
  } catch (error) {
    throw new Error(`Parameters from Flux Storage ${url} failed to be obtained`);

 * Creates an app container.
 * @param {object} appSpecifications
 * @param {string} appName
 * @param {bool} isComponent
 * @returns {object}
async function appDockerCreate(appSpecifications, appName, isComponent) {
  const identifier = isComponent ? `${}_${appName}` : appName;
  let exposedPorts = {};
  let portBindings = {};
  if (appSpecifications.version === 1) {
    portBindings = {
      [`${appSpecifications.containerPort.toString()}/tcp`]: [
          HostPort: appSpecifications.port.toString(),
      [`${appSpecifications.containerPort.toString()}/udp`]: [
          HostPort: appSpecifications.port.toString(),
    exposedPorts = {
      [`${appSpecifications.port.toString()}/tcp`]: {},
      [`${appSpecifications.containerPort.toString()}/tcp`]: {},
      [`${appSpecifications.port.toString()}/udp`]: {},
      [`${appSpecifications.containerPort.toString()}/udp`]: {},
  } else {
    appSpecifications.ports.forEach((port) => {
      exposedPorts[[`${port.toString()}/tcp`]] = {};
      exposedPorts[[`${port.toString()}/udp`]] = {};
    appSpecifications.containerPorts.forEach((port) => {
      exposedPorts[[`${port.toString()}/tcp`]] = {};
      exposedPorts[[`${port.toString()}/udp`]] = {};
    for (let i = 0; i < appSpecifications.containerPorts.length; i += 1) {
      portBindings[[`${appSpecifications.containerPorts[i].toString()}/tcp`]] = [
          HostPort: appSpecifications.ports[i].toString(),
      portBindings[[`${appSpecifications.containerPorts[i].toString()}/udp`]] = [
          HostPort: appSpecifications.ports[i].toString(),
  // containerData can have flags eg. s (s:/data) for synthing enabled container data
  const containerData = appSpecifications.containerData.split(':')[1] || appSpecifications.containerData;
  const options = {
    Image: appSpecifications.repotag,
    name: getAppIdentifier(identifier),
    AttachStdin: true,
    AttachStdout: true,
    AttachStderr: true,
    Cmd: appSpecifications.commands,
    Env: appSpecifications.environmentParameters || appSpecifications.enviromentParameters,
    Tty: false,
    ExposedPorts: exposedPorts,
    HostConfig: {
      NanoCPUs: appSpecifications.cpu * 1e9,
      Memory: appSpecifications.ram * 1024 * 1024,
      Binds: [`${appsFolder + getAppIdentifier(identifier)}/appdata:${containerData}`],
      Ulimits: [
          Name: 'nofile',
          Soft: 100000,
          Hard: 100000, // 1048576
      PortBindings: portBindings,
      RestartPolicy: {
        Name: 'unless-stopped',
      NetworkMode: 'fluxDockerNetwork',
      LogConfig: {
        Type: 'json-file',
        Config: {
          'max-file': '1',
          'max-size': '20m',

  if (options.Env.length) {
    const fluxStorageEnv = options.Env.find((env) => env.startsWith(('FLUX_STORAGE_ENV=')));
    if (fluxStorageEnv) {
      const url = fluxStorageEnv.split('FLUX_STORAGE_ENV=')[1];
      const envVars = await obtainPayloadFromStorage(url);
      if (Array.isArray(envVars) && envVars.length < 200) {
        envVars.forEach((parameter) => {
          if (typeof parameter !== 'string' || parameter.length > 5000000) {
            throw new Error(`Environment parameters from Flux Storage ${fluxStorageEnv} are invalid`);
          } else {
      } else {
        throw new Error(`Environment parameters from Flux Storage ${fluxStorageEnv} are invalid`);

  const app = await docker.createContainer(options).catch((error) => {
    throw error;
  return app;

 * Starts app's docker.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {string} message
async function appDockerStart(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  await dockerContainer.start(); // may throw
  return `Flux App ${idOrName} successfully started.`;

 * Stops app's docker.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {string} message
async function appDockerStop(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  await dockerContainer.stop();
  return `Flux App ${idOrName} successfully stopped.`;

 * Restarts app's docker.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {string} message
async function appDockerRestart(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  await dockerContainer.restart();
  return `Flux App ${idOrName} successfully restarted.`;

 * Kills app's docker.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {string} message
async function appDockerKill(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  await dockerContainer.kill();
  return `Flux App ${idOrName} successfully killed.`;

 * Removes app's docker.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {string} message
async function appDockerRemove(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  await dockerContainer.remove();
  return `Flux App ${idOrName} successfully removed.`;

 * Removes app's docker image.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {string} message
async function appDockerImageRemove(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerImage = docker.getImage(idOrName);
  await dockerImage.remove();
  return `Flux App ${idOrName} image successfully removed.`;

 * Pauses app's docker.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {string} message
async function appDockerPause(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  await dockerContainer.pause();
  return `Flux App ${idOrName} successfully paused.`;

 * Unpauses app's docker.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {string} message
async function appDockerUnpause(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  await dockerContainer.unpause();
  return `Flux App ${idOrName} successfully unpaused.`;

 * Returns app's docker's active processes.
 * @param {string} idOrName
 * @returns {string} message
async function appDockerTop(idOrName) {
  // container ID or name
  const dockerContainer = await getDockerContainerByIdOrName(idOrName);

  const processes = await;
  return processes;

 * Creates flux docker network if doesn't exist
 * @returns {object} response
async function createFluxDockerNetwork() {
  // check if fluxDockerNetwork exists
  const fluxNetworkOptions = {
    Name: 'fluxDockerNetwork',
    IPAM: {
      Config: [{
        Subnet: '',
        Gateway: '',
  let fluxNetworkExists = true;
  const network = docker.getNetwork(fluxNetworkOptions.Name);
  await dockerNetworkInspect(network).catch(() => {
    fluxNetworkExists = false;
  let response;
  // create or check docker network
  if (!fluxNetworkExists) {
    response = await dockerCreateNetwork(fluxNetworkOptions);
  } else {
    response = 'Flux Network already exists.';
  return response;

module.exports = {