Source: fluxCommunication.js

/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
const config = require('config');
const LRU = require('lru-cache');
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const log = require('../lib/log');
const serviceHelper = require('./serviceHelper');
const verificationHelper = require('./verificationHelper');
const daemonServiceMiscRpcs = require('./daemonService/daemonServiceMiscRpcs');
const fluxCommunicationMessagesSender = require('./fluxCommunicationMessagesSender');
const fluxCommunicationUtils = require('./fluxCommunicationUtils');
const fluxNetworkHelper = require('./fluxNetworkHelper');
const messageHelper = require('./messageHelper');
const {
  outgoingConnections, outgoingPeers, incomingPeers, incomingConnections,
} = require('./utils/establishedConnections');

let response = messageHelper.createErrorMessage();
// default cache
const LRUoptions = {
  max: 20000, // currently 20000 nodes
  maxAge: 1000 * 150, // 150 seconds slightly over average blocktime. Allowing 1 block expired too.

let numberOfFluxNodes = 0;

const blockedPubKeysCache = new LRU(LRUoptions);

 * To handle temporary app messages.
 * @param {object} message Message.
 * @param {string} fromIP Sender's IP address.
async function handleAppMessages(message, fromIP) {
  try {
    // check if we have it in database and if not add
    // if not in database, rebroadcast to all connections
    // do furtherVerification of message
    // eslint-disable-next-line global-require
    const appsService = require('./appsService');
    const rebroadcastToPeers = await appsService.storeAppTemporaryMessage(, true);
    if (rebroadcastToPeers === true) {
      const messageString = serviceHelper.ensureString(message);
      const wsListOut = outgoingConnections.filter((client) => client._socket.remoteAddress !== fromIP);
      fluxCommunicationMessagesSender.sendToAllPeers(messageString, wsListOut);
      await serviceHelper.delay(100);
      const wsList = incomingConnections.filter((client) => client._socket.remoteAddress.replace('::ffff:', '') !== fromIP);
      fluxCommunicationMessagesSender.sendToAllIncomingConnections(messageString, wsList);
  } catch (error) {

 * To handle running app messages.
 * @param {object} message Message.
 * @param {string} fromIP Sender's IP address.
async function handleAppRunningMessage(message, fromIP) {
  try {
    // check if we have it exactly like that in database and if not, update
    // if not in database, rebroadcast to all connections
    // do furtherVerification of message
    // eslint-disable-next-line global-require
    const appsService = require('./appsService');
    const rebroadcastToPeers = await appsService.storeAppRunningMessage(;
    if (rebroadcastToPeers === true) {
      const messageString = serviceHelper.ensureString(message);
      const wsListOut = outgoingConnections.filter((client) => client._socket.remoteAddress !== fromIP);
      fluxCommunicationMessagesSender.sendToAllPeers(messageString, wsListOut);
      await serviceHelper.delay(500);
      const wsList = incomingConnections.filter((client) => client._socket.remoteAddress.replace('::ffff:', '') !== fromIP);
      fluxCommunicationMessagesSender.sendToAllIncomingConnections(messageString, wsList);
  } catch (error) {

 * To handle incoming connection. Several types of verification are performed.
 * @param {object} ws Web socket.
 * @param {object} req Request.
 * @param {object} expressWS Express web socket.
 * @returns {void} Return statement is only used here to interrupt the function and nothing is returned.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function handleIncomingConnection(ws, req, expressWS) {
  // now we are in connections state. push the websocket to our incomingconnections
  const maxPeers = 20;
  const maxNumberOfConnections = numberOfFluxNodes / 40 < 70 ? numberOfFluxNodes / 40 : 70;
  const maxCon = Math.max(maxPeers, maxNumberOfConnections);
  if (incomingConnections.length > maxCon) {
    setTimeout(() => {
      ws.close(1000, 'Max number of incomming connections reached');
    }, 1000);
  const peer = {
    ip: ws._socket.remoteAddress,
  // verify data integrity, if not signed, close connection
  ws.on('message', async (msg) => {
    // check rate limit
    const rateOK = await fluxNetworkHelper.checkRateLimit(peer.ip);
    if (!rateOK) {
      return; // do not react to the message
    // check blocked list
    const dataObj = serviceHelper.ensureObject(msg);
    const { pubKey } = dataObj;
    if (blockedPubKeysCache.has(pubKey)) {
      try {'Closing incoming connection, peer is on blockedList');
        ws.close(1000, 'blocked list'); // close as of policy violation?
      } catch (e) {
    const currentTimeStamp =;
    const messageOK = await fluxCommunicationUtils.verifyFluxBroadcast(msg, undefined, currentTimeStamp);
    if (messageOK === true) {
      const timestampOK = await fluxCommunicationUtils.verifyTimestampInFluxBroadcast(msg, currentTimeStamp);
      if (timestampOK === true) {
        try {
          const msgObj = serviceHelper.ensureObject(msg);
          if ( === 'zelappregister' || === 'zelappupdate' || === 'fluxappregister' || === 'fluxappupdate') {
            handleAppMessages(msgObj, peer.ip.replace('::ffff:', ''));
          } else if ( === 'fluxapprequest') {
            fluxCommunicationMessagesSender.respondWithAppMessage(msgObj, ws);
          } else if ( === 'fluxapprunning') {
            handleAppRunningMessage(msgObj, peer.ip.replace('::ffff:', ''));
          } else {
            log.warn(`Unrecognised message type of ${}`);
        } catch (e) {
    } else {
      // we dont like this peer as it sent wrong message (wrong, or message belonging to node no longer on network). Lets close the connection
      // and add him to blocklist
      try {
        // check if message comes from IP belonging to the public Key
        const zl = await fluxCommunicationUtils.deterministicFluxList(pubKey); // this itself is sufficient.
        const possibleNodes = zl.filter((key) => key.pubkey === pubKey); // another check in case sufficient check failed on daemon level
        const nodeFound = possibleNodes.find((n) => n.ip === peer.ip.replace('::ffff:', ''));
        if (!nodeFound) {
          log.warn(`Message received from incoming peer ${peer.ip} but is not an originating node of ${pubKey}.`);
          ws.close(1000, 'invalid message, disconnect'); // close as of policy violation
        } else {
          blockedPubKeysCache.set(pubKey, pubKey); // blocks ALL the nodes corresponding to the pubKey
          log.warn(`closing incoming connection, adding peers ${pubKey} to the blockedList. Originated from ${peer.ip}.`);
          ws.close(1000, 'invalid message, blocked'); // close as of policy violation?
      } catch (e) {
  ws.on('error', async (msg) => {
    const ip = ws._socket.remoteAddress;
    log.warn(`Incoming connection error ${ip}`);
    const ocIndex = incomingConnections.findIndex((incomingCon) => ws._socket.remoteAddress === incomingCon._socket.remoteAddress);
    const foundPeer = incomingPeers.find((mypeer) => mypeer.ip === ip);
    if (ocIndex > -1) {
      incomingConnections.splice(ocIndex, 1);
    if (foundPeer) {
      const peerIndex = incomingPeers.indexOf(foundPeer);
      if (peerIndex > -1) {
        incomingPeers.splice(peerIndex, 1);
    log.warn(`Incoming connection errored with: ${msg}`);
  ws.on('close', async (msg) => {
    const ip = ws._socket.remoteAddress;
    log.warn(`Incoming connection close ${ip}`);
    const ocIndex = incomingConnections.findIndex((incomingCon) => ws._socket.remoteAddress === incomingCon._socket.remoteAddress);
    const foundPeer = incomingPeers.find((mypeer) => mypeer.ip === ip);
    if (ocIndex > -1) {
      incomingConnections.splice(ocIndex, 1);
    if (foundPeer) {
      const peerIndex = incomingPeers.indexOf(foundPeer);
      if (peerIndex > -1) {
        incomingPeers.splice(peerIndex, 1);
    log.warn(`Incoming connection closed with: ${msg}`);

 * To get IP addresses for all outgoing connected peers.
 * @param {object} req Request.
 * @param {object} res Response.
function connectedPeers(req, res) {
  const connections = [];
  outgoingConnections.forEach((client) => {
  const message = messageHelper.createDataMessage(connections);
  response = message;
  return res ? res.json(response) : response;

 * To get info (IP address, latency and lastPingTime) for all outgoing connected peers.
 * @param {object} req Request.
 * @param {object} res Response.
function connectedPeersInfo(req, res) {
  const connections = outgoingPeers;
  const message = messageHelper.createDataMessage(connections);
  response = message;
  return res ? res.json(response) : response;

 * To keep connections alive by pinging all outgoing and incoming peers.
function keepConnectionsAlive() {
  setInterval(() => {
    fluxCommunicationMessagesSender.sendToAllPeers(); // perform ping
    fluxCommunicationMessagesSender.sendToAllIncomingConnections(); // perform ping
  }, 30 * 1000);

 * To remove an outgoing peer by specifying the IP address. Only accessible by admins and Flux team members.
 * @param {object} req Request.
 * @param {object} res Response.
 * @returns {object} Message.
async function removePeer(req, res) {
  let { ip } = req.params;
  ip = ip || req.query.ip;
  if (ip === undefined || ip === null) {
    const errMessage = messageHelper.createErrorMessage('No IP address specified.');
    return res.json(errMessage);
  const authorized = await verificationHelper.verifyPrivilege('adminandfluxteam', req);

  if (authorized === true) {
    const closeResponse = await fluxNetworkHelper.closeConnection(ip);
    response = closeResponse;
  } else {
    response = messageHelper.errUnauthorizedMessage();
  return res.json(response);

 * To remove an incoming peer by specifying the IP address. Only accessible by admins and Flux team members.
 * @param {object} req Request.
 * @param {object} res Response.
 * @param {object} expressWS Express web socket.
 * @returns {object} Message.
async function removeIncomingPeer(req, res, expressWS) {
  let { ip } = req.params;
  ip = ip || req.query.ip;
  if (ip === undefined || ip === null) {
    const errMessage = messageHelper.createErrorMessage('No IP address specified.');
    return res.json(errMessage);
  const authorized = await verificationHelper.verifyPrivilege('adminandfluxteam', req);

  if (authorized === true) {
    const closeResponse = await fluxNetworkHelper.closeIncomingConnection(ip, expressWS);
    response = closeResponse;
  } else {
    response = messageHelper.errUnauthorizedMessage();
  return res.json(response);

 * To initiate and handle a connection. Opens a web socket and handles various events during connection.
 * @param {string} connection IP address (and port if applicable).
async function initiateAndHandleConnection(connection) {
  let ip = connection;
  let port = config.server.apiport;
  if (connection.includes(':')) {
    ip = connection.split(':')[0];
    port = connection.split(':')[1];
  const wsuri = `ws://${ip}:${port}/ws/flux/`;
  const websocket = new WebSocket(wsuri);

  websocket.onopen = () => {
    const peer = {
      ip, // can represent just one ip address, multiport
      lastPingTime: null,
      latency: null,

  // every time a ping is sent a pong as received, measure latency
  websocket.on('pong', () => {
    try {
      const curTime = new Date().getTime();
      const foundPeer = outgoingPeers.find((peer) => peer.ip === ip);
      if (foundPeer) {
        foundPeer.latency = Math.ceil((curTime - foundPeer.lastPingTime) / 2);
    } catch (error) {

  websocket.onclose = (evt) => {
    const ocIndex = outgoingConnections.indexOf(websocket);
    if (ocIndex > -1) {`Connection to ${connection} closed with code ${evt.code}`);
      outgoingConnections.splice(ocIndex, 1);
    const foundPeer = outgoingPeers.find((peer) => peer.ip === ip);
    if (foundPeer) {
      const peerIndex = outgoingPeers.indexOf(foundPeer);
      if (peerIndex > -1) {
        outgoingPeers.splice(peerIndex, 1);`Connection ${connection} removed from outgoingPeers`);

  websocket.onmessage = async (evt) => {
    // incoming messages from outgoing connections
    const currentTimeStamp =; // ms
    // check rate limit
    const rateOK = await fluxNetworkHelper.checkRateLimit(ip);
    if (!rateOK) {
      return; // do not react to the message
    // check blocked list
    const msgObj = serviceHelper.ensureObject(;
    const { pubKey } = msgObj;
    if (blockedPubKeysCache.has(pubKey)) {
      try {'Closing outgoing connection, peer is on blockedList');
        websocket.close(1000, 'blocked list'); // close as of policy violation?
      } catch (e) {
    const messageOK = await fluxCommunicationUtils.verifyOriginalFluxBroadcast(, undefined, currentTimeStamp);
    if (messageOK === true) {
      if ( === 'zelappregister' || === 'zelappupdate' || === 'fluxappregister' || === 'fluxappupdate') {
        handleAppMessages(msgObj, ip);
      } else if ( === 'fluxapprequest') {
        fluxCommunicationMessagesSender.respondWithAppMessage(msgObj, websocket);
      } else if ( === 'fluxapprunning') {
        handleAppRunningMessage(msgObj, ip);
    } else {
      // we dont like this peer as it sent wrong message (wrong, or message belonging to node no longer on network). Lets close the connection
      // and add him to blocklist
      try {
        // check if message comes from IP belonging to the public Key
        const zl = await fluxCommunicationUtils.deterministicFluxList(pubKey); // this itself is sufficient.
        const possibleNodes = zl.filter((key) => key.pubkey === pubKey); // another check in case sufficient check failed on daemon level
        const nodeFound = possibleNodes.find((n) => n.ip === connection);
        if (!nodeFound) {
          log.warn(`Message received from outgoing peer ${connection} but is not an originating node of ${pubKey}.`);
          websocket.close(1000, 'invalid message, disconnect'); // close as of policy violation
        } else {
          blockedPubKeysCache.set(pubKey, pubKey); // blocks ALL the nodes corresponding to the pubKey
          log.warn(`closing outgoing connection, adding peers ${pubKey} to the blockedList. Originated from ${connection}.`);
          websocket.close(1000, 'invalid message, blocked'); // close as of policy violation?
      } catch (e) {

  websocket.onerror = (evt) => {
    const ocIndex = outgoingConnections.indexOf(websocket);
    if (ocIndex > -1) {`Connection to ${connection} errord with code ${evt.code}`);
      outgoingConnections.splice(ocIndex, 1);
    const foundPeer = outgoingPeers.find((peer) => peer.ip === ip);
    if (foundPeer) {
      const peerIndex = outgoingPeers.indexOf(foundPeer);
      if (peerIndex > -1) {
        outgoingPeers.splice(peerIndex, 1);`Connection ${connection} removed from outgoingPeers`);

 * To add a peer by specifying the IP address. Only accessible by admins and Flux team members.
 * @param {object} req Request.
 * @param {object} res Response.
 * @returns {object} Message.
async function addPeer(req, res) {
  let { ip } = req.params;
  ip = ip || req.query.ip;
  if (ip === undefined || ip === null) {
    const errMessage = messageHelper.createErrorMessage('No IP address specified.');
    return res.json(errMessage);
  const justIP = ip.split(':')[0];
  const wsObj = outgoingConnections.find((client) => client._socket.remoteAddress === justIP);
  if (wsObj) {
    const errMessage = messageHelper.createErrorMessage(`Already connected to ${justIP}`);
    return res.json(errMessage);
  const authorized = await verificationHelper.verifyPrivilege('adminandfluxteam', req);

  if (authorized !== true) {
    const message = messageHelper.errUnauthorizedMessage();
    return res.json(message);
  const message = messageHelper.createSuccessMessage(`Outgoing connection to ${ip} initiated`);
  return res.json(message);

 * Function to be called by FluxNodes without the minimum Incoming connections.
 * @param {object} req Request.
 * @param {object} res Response.
 * @returns {object} Message.
async function addOutgoingPeer(req, res) {
  let { ip } = req.params;
  ip = ip || req.query.ip;
  if (ip === undefined || ip === null) {
    const errMessage = messageHelper.createErrorMessage('No IP address specified.');
    return res.json(errMessage);
  const justIP = ip.split(':')[0];

  const remoteIP = req.ip || req.connection.remoteAddress || req.socket.remoteAddress || req.headers['x-forwarded-for'];

  const remoteIP4 = remoteIP.replace('::ffff:', '');

  if (justIP !== remoteIP4) {
    const errMessage = messageHelper.createErrorMessage(`Request ip ${remoteIP4} of ${remoteIP} doesn't match the ip: ${justIP} to connect.`);
    return res.json(errMessage);

  const wsObj = outgoingConnections.find((client) => client._socket.remoteAddress === justIP);
  if (wsObj) {
    const errMessage = messageHelper.createErrorMessage(`Already connected to ${justIP}`);
    return res.json(errMessage);

  const nodeList = await fluxCommunicationUtils.deterministicFluxList();
  const fluxNode = nodeList.find((node) => node.ip === ip);
  if (!fluxNode) {
    const errMessage = messageHelper.createErrorMessage(`FluxNode ${ip} is not confirmed on the network.`);
    return res.json(errMessage);

  const message = messageHelper.createSuccessMessage(`Outgoing connection to ${ip} initiated`);
  return res.json(message);

 * To discover and connect to other randomly selected FluxNodes. Maintains connections with 1-2% of nodes on the Flux network. Ensures that FluxNode connections are not duplicated.
async function fluxDiscovery() {
  try {
    const syncStatus = daemonServiceMiscRpcs.isDaemonSynced();
    if (! {
      throw new Error('Daemon not yet synced. Flux discovery is awaiting.');

    let nodeList = [];

    const myIP = await fluxNetworkHelper.getMyFluxIPandPort();
    if (myIP) {
      nodeList = await fluxCommunicationUtils.deterministicFluxList();
      const fluxNode = nodeList.find((node) => node.ip === myIP);
      if (!fluxNode) {
        throw new Error('Node not confirmed. Flux discovery is awaiting.');
    } else {
      throw new Error('Flux IP not detected. Flux discovery is awaiting.');
    const minPeers = 10;
    const maxPeers = 20;
    numberOfFluxNodes = nodeList.length;
    const currentIpsConnTried = [];
    const requiredNumberOfConnections = numberOfFluxNodes / 100 < 40 ? numberOfFluxNodes / 100 : 40; // 1%
    const maxNumberOfConnections = numberOfFluxNodes / 75 < 60 ? numberOfFluxNodes / 75 : 60; // 1.5%
    const minCon = Math.max(minPeers, requiredNumberOfConnections); // awlays maintain at least 10 or 1% of nodes whatever is higher
    const maxCon = Math.max(maxPeers, maxNumberOfConnections); // have a maximum of 20 or 1.5% of nodes whatever is higher`Current number of outgoing connections:${outgoingConnections.length}`);`Current number of incoming connections:${incomingConnections.length}`);
    // coonect to peers as min connections not yet established
    let index = 0;
    while (outgoingConnections.length < minCon && index < 100) {
      index += 1;
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
      const connection = await fluxNetworkHelper.getRandomConnection();
      if (connection) {
        const ip = connection.split(':')[0];
        // additional precaution
        const sameConnectedIp = currentIpsConnTried.find((connectedIP) => connectedIP === ip);
        const clientExists = outgoingConnections.find((client) => client._socket.remoteAddress === ip);
        const clientIncomingExists = incomingConnections.find((client) => client._socket.remoteAddress.replace('::ffff:', '') === ip);
        if (!sameConnectedIp && !clientExists && !clientIncomingExists) {
`Adding Flux peer: ${connection}`);
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
          await serviceHelper.delay(500);
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
      await serviceHelper.delay(500);
    if (outgoingConnections.length < maxCon) {
      const connection = await fluxNetworkHelper.getRandomConnection();
      if (connection) {
        const ip = connection.split(':')[0];
        // additional precaution
        const sameConnectedIp = currentIpsConnTried.find((connectedIP) => connectedIP === ip);
        const clientExists = outgoingConnections.find((client) => client._socket.remoteAddress === ip);
        const clientIncomingExists = incomingConnections.find((client) => client._socket.remoteAddress.replace('::ffff:', '') === ip);
        if (!sameConnectedIp && !clientExists && !clientIncomingExists) {
`Adding Flux peer: ${connection}`);
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 60 * 1000);
  } catch (error) {
    log.warn(error.message || error);
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 120 * 1000);

 * Return the number of peers this node is connected to
function getNumberOfPeers() {
  return incomingConnections.length + outgoingConnections.length;

module.exports = {